Project Information
This personal project involves crafting a sports car speedometer with the aim of developing a visually appealing design that seamlessly blends futuristic art and functionality. In my approach to this design, I strive to deliver essential information to the driver, including speed, gas status, and driving mode, all presented with a stylish flair.

Creating an aesthetically pleasing speedometer that facilitates easy access to crucial car information for the driver.

For the average driver, I designed a speedometer that organizes the three most vital visuals in a triangular pattern: speed is positioned at the top, speed mode on the left, and gas on the right. This arrangement ensures a natural flow of information, eliminating the need for the driver to search haphazardly for specific details.
To emphasize the importance of speed, I placed it at the center, following the principles of information hierarchy and recognizing that most drivers frequently monitor their speed while on the road. Additionally, a visual bar for speed was incorporated to provide a sense of excitement during acceleration and serve as a visual cue for the car's acceleration.
The second set of information pertains to the car's speed modes, offering four different choices. Given the sports car context, emphasis on speed and acceleration is prioritized for the average user. The use of a bolder font for the modes ensures they stand out, though kept smaller than the speed display to avoid conflict.
Lastly, the gas information is presented through a bar meter for a quick visual assessment of the fuel level. Including the percentage offers further details about the gas status. The choice of a blue color distinguishes this information from sub-details, maintaining its place in the hierarchy alongside speed and mode.
I reduced the size and employed a thinner font for sub-information on both the left and right sides to prevent it from conflicting with the central focus. Although this information remains important, many casual drivers, myself included, may not comprehend its specifics, whereas car enthusiasts likely have a clearer understanding. In addressing this issue for casual drivers, I designated a red color to indicate the range they should avoid. Associating red with "bad" serves as a visual cue, particularly for those who only need to be aware of readings falling into the "bad" zone.
Additionally, I incorporated practical details like time, temperature, and the current music playing. Recognizing these as enjoyable features for the driver, I presented them in a smaller font to allow for easy oversight, ensuring they do not become distracting for those who are less interested in such information.

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